It’s Time for Love
March 16, 2017 in Master Suite by Melanie
I went back to school in January – 20 years after the first time I started college – and it’s a dream come true.
Today in class we were creating websites, and I really loved my site idea. It was a site all about my husband and me – our love story, our adventures and travels, our family life, our service, our struggles and triumphs, how we live, how we love, and all things us. I was ready go out and purchase the domain and start this new blog idea, but then I remembered…
I already have a blog!
Obviously I must have forgotten all about it since posting has been so few and far between. But maybe what I really need is to get excited about it again. I have a whole redesign in mind — for after the semester has ended. I already don’t sleep as it is. And let me tell you — living a college student schedule when you’re twice college age is no cakewalk.
I already have the first three weeks of summer vacation booked:
First week = sleep. All. Week. Long.
Second week = blogger conference (can’t wait!)
Third week = a quick little Vegas getaway for Steve and me. He’s planning the whole thing, booking the hotel tomorrow, getting show tickets, and I just have to pack a few things and hop in the car. Seriously can NOT wait!
Anyway… back to the blog. See how quickly I forget? I was talking about how much I loved writing all the gushy stuff about my favorite lifetime love story, and I really want to do more of that HERE on this site that I already own and love.
It’s really a whole new focus coming your way: Love. Love is what I am passionate about. Love for my hottie husband, love for my fantabulous family, and love of God that guides everything I do. So get ready for a lot more mush and gush. It’s comin’ atcha!