{Incredible Kid Day} Love Notes
March 13, 2014 in Mailbox
I don’t know how kindergarten teachers do it. I had 7 kindergarten girls at my house for less than 2 hours today, and I wasn’t quite sure I would make it.
My baby girl turned 6 today and had a party with her adorable school friends. They yelled every single word they said, asked the same questions over and over again without listening for an answer, and absolutely made Chuck’s day.
After the last girl went home, I sat down with Steve, laid my head on his shoulder… and woke up an hour later.
So I’m a bit worn out, but it was a great day with some incredible kids.
Speaking of incredible kids, this Saturday, March 15, is Incredible Kid Day! What kid doesn’t love to be told how incredible they are???
So to continue on with Free Printable Week, I gathered some of my favorite “You’re an incredible kid!” love notes.
I love to leave notes and treats for my little kidlets – on their pillows or hidden around their rooms. Although I have to be careful not to hide them too well or they might get mixed in with the mess. A few years ago, I bought little Valentine’s mailboxes on clearance after V-day, and each of the girls has one of those in her room so we can leave each other fun notes and sweet treats.
Basically this is a little lesson in how to turn this stuff:
into huge smiles and happy kids in three easy steps.
- Download and print this file.
- Cut out tags and attach to stuff.
- Give to kids and watch their faces light up.
Simple! Here’s what the whole class looks like together, all 9 of them.
And we did a few group shots, too, so you can get a better look. I was going to explain them in great detail, but really, how much detail could there be? They’re just simple and fun.
“Have a fun day!” attached to a Fun Dip – because what could be more fun than a bag of flavored sugar?
“You are one smart cookie” is attached to Smarties, but cookies would be good, too!
I love these Despicable Me fruit snacks, or you could attach “You’re One In a Minion!” to a minion Twinkie. Did you know the minions weren’t even in the first version of the Despicable Me script? Whoever added those little dudes in should get a raise.
My girls love socks, so what better way to wish them luck than with a cute new pair of socks with a “Put your best foot forward. Good luck today!” note attached? Perfect for test day or audition day or any other day they’re nervous about.
Have you tried Extra Dessert Delights gum? We kinda got hooked and have a huge stash of every flavor we can find. They are so good! And perfect for when you want something sweet without all the calories. They’re also perfect for attaching a “You are Extra special to me!” note for your incredible kids.
I love turning m&m’s into “mom” with a little sticker and a pen. It’s a fun way to sign any note, but especially an “I love you more & more every day!” note.
Fruit by the Foot is really long, right? So it’s perfect to give with this note to illustrate just how serious you are about how HUGE your LOVE is! “I love you <— ♥ —> this much!”
My little Babs definitely inherited the Irish temper from my side of the family. It especially fires up when she’s having a hard time in math. So I made her this little note to remember to relax when she’s in a crunch. “If you get in a crunch today, take a deep breath, relax, and remember I love you!” I’m sure the chocolate will help the day go better, too!
I don’t know what it is about these Kool-Aid Bursts, but they’re just so much fun! And a great way to say “You are one kool kid!” My kool kid thought the Kool-Aid Man included on this note was hilarious, but I didn’t include it in the final version. I was impressed they even knew who he was! Oh yeah…
You can click on any of the photos or —> right here <— to get to the download page and give these fun notes to your incredible kid. It will make their day!!!
What makes your kid incredible?