Thankful Thursday: Thank You Notes
April 3, 2014 in Mailbox
Gratitude is a valuable attribute, and I, for one, need to spend more time being grateful. So let’s call today Thankful Thursday. In an effort to share more gratitude in my life, here are 10 “Jimmy Fallon-style” thank you notes from me.
Thank you… canyon winds for helping me get to know my neighbors by blowing my trash out of my garbage can and into their yards for me to clean up.
Thank you… again, canyon winds, for helping me get my exercise for the day when I have to chase that trash down the street.
Thank you… Walmart for having 17 bajillion check out lines but only staffing 3 of them with checkers. It makes me feel like a lottery winner when I find one I can use!
Thank you… Netflix for letting me watch an entire 7 season TV series in a few days, neglecting everything else, including feeding my children and bathing.
Thank you… Dora and Diego for teaching my children that nothing they say is ever loud enough. Thanks to you I never have to worry about it being too quiet in my house.
Thank you… creepy next door neighbor for standing naked in your open window so my innocent girls can be traumatized for life. Now I know exactly what to get you for Christmas! When someone comes over to measure your window for blinds, please let them in.
Thank you… drivers who talk on cell phones, floating across lines and between lanes of traffic with no regard for anyone else on the road, for keeping me awake and alert, always improving my defensive driving skills.
Thank you… Facebook friends who post political rants for bringing me around to your way of thinking. I can’t believe I didn’t see it your way before.
Thank you… callers who start the conversation with “I don’t want to bother you during dinner, but…” for reminding me that choosing not to call during dinner is simply not an option.
Thank you… school teachers who assign homework to parents for thinking I look young enough to be one of your students.
Do you have any Thank You notes to write? Let’s hear it…