40 Favorite Holidays

March 19, 2014 in Great Room by Melanie


Maybe that should say “holidays.” I mean, can you really call Poultry Day a holiday? But that’s what today is. Are you having a poultry celebration today?

I was all set with this month’s edition of 40 Things, but then I saw that article circulating again. You know that one about holidays and how we need to “tone it down a notch…” You probably know how I feel about it already, but a friend shared this article today that made me realize I’m not the only one!

I am so in love with that article. It says exactly how I feel about this whole thing! And motherhood in general. Especially this:

So, I guess what I am saying is that you are the perfect mother for your children and your kids just need YOU. They need your best self, and when you are being that, whoever YOU are, is enough. After that realization, who other people are, what they do and what they have fades into the background and what emerges is who you are now and who you can become.

So because I love to celebrate random holidays – not to keep up with anyone or prove what an amazing mom I am, but because it’s how I enjoy motherhood – here are 40 of my favorite holidays to celebrate… that you probably haven’t even heard of.


  1. January 6: Cuddle Up Day
  2. January 13: Make Your Dream Come True Day
  3. January 19: National Popcorn Day
  4. January 21: National Hugging Day
  5. January 23: National Pie Day
  6. January 27: Chocolate Cake Day
  7. January 28: National Kazoo Day
  8. February 1st Saturday: Eat Ice Cream for Breakfast Day
  9. February 16: Do a Grouch a Favor Day
  10. February 17: Random Acts of Kindness Day
  11. February 19: National Chocolate Mint Day
  12. March 1: Peanut Butter Lovers’ Day
  13. March 15: Incredible Kid Day
  14. March 22: National Goof Off Day
  15. March 23: National Chip and Dip Day
  16. March 26: Make Up Your Own Holiday Day
  17. March 28: Something on a Stick Day
  18. April 3: Don’t Go to Work Unless It’s Fun Day
  19. April 4: Walk Around Things Day
  20. April 7: Caramel Popcorn Day
  21. April 7: No Housework Day
  22. April 11: Barbershop Quartet Day
  23. April 14: International Moment of Laughter Day
  24. April 3rd Thursday: National High Five Day
  25. April 23: Take a Chance Day
  26. May 4: Star Wars Day
  27. May 6: No Diet Day
  28. May 8: No Socks Day
  29. Followed by May 9: Lost Sock Memorial Day
  30. May Friday before Mothers’ Day: Military Spouses Day
  31. May 20: Pick Strawberries Day
  32. May 22: Buy a Musical Instrument Day
  33. June 1st Friday: National Doughnut Day
  34. July 1: Creative Ice Cream Flavors Day
  35. July 9: National Sugar Cookie Day
  36. July 28: National Milk Chocolate Day
  37. July 30: National Cheesecake Day
  38. July 31: Harry Potter Day
  39. August 2: National Ice Cream Sandwich Day
  40. August 3: National Watermelon Day
  41. August 8: Sneak Some Zucchini Onto Your Neighbor’s Porch Day
  42. August 15: Relaxation Day
  43. August 27: Just Because Day
  44. September 5: Be Late for Something Day
  45. followed by September 6: Fight Procrastination Day
  46. September 19: International Talk Like a Pirate Day
  47. September 22: Elephant Appreciation Day
  48. October 11: It’s My Party Day
  49. October 14: National Dessert Day
  50. November 1st Saturday: Book Lovers Day
  51. November 3: Housewife’s Day
  52. December 7 Letter Writing Day
  53. December 8: National Brownie Day
  54. December 16: National Chocolate Covered Anything Day
  55. December 18: Bake Cookies Day

I thought you might want to know September 2 is National Beheading Day. Seriously? That’s a day???

I know, I know, I didn’t stop at 40. It’s 40 +15 bonus holidays because I just couldn’t narrow down the list anymore.

Tomorrow is Extraterrestrial Abductions Day. Any ideas how we can celebrate that one???


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