August 2014 Visiting Teaching Printable

August 11, 2014 in Family Room by Melanie

Why is it that summer visiting teaching always seems to be so tricky? Instead of loads of free time and open schedules, it is harder than ever to coordinate calendars and get those visits in.

I admit I was a pretty horrible visiting teacher this summer, but now that school is starting Iā€™m ready to be awesome, so I got it done early this month. :)

I love that the visiting teaching messages this year are all about Jesus Christ. This month‘s focus is all about His role as Messiah.

"Jesus Christ will ever be at our side. He will fight our battles. He is our hope." I love this quote from the August visiting teaching message.

I love this quote: ā€œ[Jesus Christ] will ever be at our side. He will fight our battles. He is our hope; He is our salvation; He is the way.ā€ -Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Life is full of hard times and challenges we have to endure, but we are never alone – no matter what! Jesus Christ is always at our side. Nothing brings me more hope than knowing my Savior is fighting my battles with me.

I delivered these notes with a little plate of cookies to my sisters this month. If you would like this note, you can download the full-size file to print out a 4×6 card by clicking the photo above or 4 quarter-sheet cards by clicking on the photo below.

"Jesus Christ will ever be at our side. He will fight our battles. He is our hope." I love this quote from the August visiting teaching message.Or you can find them on the Printables page. Happy visiting!

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