How I’m making this year the best one yet!
January 4, 2016 in Coffee Table by Melanie
It’s Monday morning, and after weeks of not normal, being out of our routine, and having minimal responsibilities, we’re back to real life. The kids are all at school, the house is still, Christmas music is wafting in from the other room {and I’m not sorry}, and I have time to think – think about this new year and all of its possibility. How exciting!
Fresh starts – new beginnings – are my favorite! I even love Monday mornings because it’s like a fresh start every single week! {And let’s be real here – parents don’t really get a weekend break. Amiright?} But a brand new year is the best. So many goals and ideas of what this year can become if only I make it so.
Are you ready 2016? We’re going to be amazing!
See how I tossed a little Christmas in there? I’m just not quite ready to let it go. As I sit here in my post-Christmas break reverie, I am mostly thinking about three ways I’m going to make this new year the best one yet.
• one •
My focus for 2016, my one word, is PRIORITY.
I have a habit of trying to do too much and not doing any of it as well as I would like because I’m stretching myself too thin. {That’s the only time you’ll hear me say I’m too thin.} Too often my time isn’t spent on the things I claim as priorities. But if they were really my priorities, wouldn’t that be where I actually dedicate the most of my time and energy? This year I will focus on spending the most time on the things that matter most.
• two •
I’m a huge fan of setting goals and make resolutions. I do it a little differently than most people. I tend to make my own rules. My rules are what most experts would tell you NOT to do. But I whole heartedly believe in finding your own way, doing what works for you. I won’t let the experts decide what I should do. I will be my own expert on what works for me.
• three •
While I was searching through old posts for my version of making resolutions, I found my resolutions from 2015. I love them. They are exactly what I needed to focus on last year. They made me smile, but reading through that list of perfect goals for my year also made me a little sad. Because how many of them did I actually do? Not one. And do you know why? Because I never looked at them again after January!
I need a lot of reminders in my day-to-day life, and for big, year-long goals I need even more. So this year I will keep my focus and my goals in plain sight, in my face, so I am constantly reminded of these ways I want to improve my life and keep myself on track.
What are you looking forward to in 2016? Here’s to a fabulous year!